"Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye."
- Bill Hicks, comedian 1994 R.I.P

Friday, April 18, 2008

Play with Me, Lil' Wide-Eyed

Lil' Wide-Eyed looks awfully surprised. Has Lil' Wide-Eyed been caught out or seen something a lil' shocking? It's your turn to make up the story behind this FreeArt character. Just click on the comments link and leave a story about what you think is behind the surprised lil' face. Please keep stories suitable for all ages. The best one will be picked and featured here....

Location: Austin and Russell Streets

No, down here.....


Christina Roberts said...

Lil’ Wide-Eyed lives in an old three-decker in Worcester, MA.
One morning he woke up. Eyes wide shut as usual. After a little bit of coffee his eyes started to open. He saw the sun shining and his eyes opened a little bit wider. A neighbor waved hello. Wider. The city bus driver stopped to let him merge into traffic. WIder. The gas station had trash bags in stock. WIDer. There was nothing but good news in the T&G that day. WIDEr. He drove back home and didn’t see any litter on the street. WIDER.
A neighbor greeted him.
“Hello Lil’, you’re just in time”
“In time for what?”
“We just ran out of trash bags.”
Just then, a crowd of people began appearing. Some were carrying rakes. Some brooms. And most of them were carrying large yellow bags, filled to the top.
“We wanted to help out,” they said.
“My mommy told me I can’t have any more candy unless I throw the wrapper in the garbage,” a little girl said.
“It looks so much nicer around here without all the litter,” said a teenager. “I’m going to make sure my friends don’t ruin it.”
“You picked up my yard when I was recovering from surgery,” a kind woman said, “this is the least I can do.”
“We all want to work together to keep the neighborhood clean and safe,” they said.
“Our neighborhood looks great, but I’m sure there are other areas in the city that could use our help, so let’s go!”
"I've got to paint your picture," a friend said. "That face is priceless."

FreeArtWorcester said...

THIS MADE FreeArtWorcester's DAY!!!!


We're signing up for the Worcester Clean UP day on May 3rd too, thanks for spreading the word neighbor!

Mike said...

Here he is in the wild:

FreeArtWorcester said...

Thanks for the lift, he's feeling high!!!